Jun 11, 2010


来,今天我们上英文翻译班,但此英文只供参考,一切后果自负 ^^

1 So many people die, never see you die.
答案是: 甘多人死,唔見你死。

2 You teach me how to come out and walk in the future?
答案是: 你教我以後點出嚟行?

3 If you have enough ginger, put your horse to me.
答案是: 如果你夠姜既話就放馬過嚟。

4 "I saw a pork chop"
答案是: 我見到件豬扒啊。

5 Are you road?
答案是: 你係咪路啊?

6 What the water are you?
答案是: 你係乜水啊?

7 Do you big me?
答案是: 你大我啊?

8 Zebra chops people.
答案是: 班馬劈友。

9 The king of the cutting girl.
答案是: 界女王。

10 Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair.
答案是: 批我個頭俾你當凳坐。
11 Do you think me didn't arrive?
答案是: 你當我無到?

12 You have seed, I will give you some colour to see, brothers, together up.
答案是: 你有種,我會俾D顏色你睇,兄弟,同我一齊上!

13 Today I was very black son.
答案是: 今日我好黑仔。

14 I am wearing grass.
答案是: 我著緊草。

16 Two beat six.
答案是: 二打六

17 Two five son.
答案是: 二五仔

18 Piano piano green.
答案是: 琴琴青

19 I give you some colour to see see.
答案是: 我俾D顏色你睇睇!

20 Stupid stupid want to move .
答案是: 蠢蠢欲動。

21 People mountain people sea .
答案是: 人山人海

22 How senior are you?
答案是: 你算老幾?

23 What the ghost are you talk?
答案是: 你講乜鬼?

24 I fear that you have teeth.
答案是: 我驚你有牙!

25 Heart flower angry open.
答案是: 心花怒放。

26 Fish skin
答案是: 魚皮。

27 Monster of blowing water.
答案是: 吹水怪。

18 Face green green
答案是: 面青青。

29 You see road carefully
答案是: 你小心睇路

30 You go to street carefully
答案是: 你出街小心D。

31 Do the world
答案是: 做世界。
32 Big tea rice
答案是: 大茶飯。

33 American chinese not enough.
答案是: 美中不足。

34 King eight egg.
答案是: 王八蛋

35 High hand.
答案是: 高手

36 DO YOU Old dot ME?
答案是: 你老點我呀?

37 One old water
答案是: 一舊水

38 I know your mouse.
答案是: 我識你老鼠!
39 Measure water/Pound water.
答案是: 磅水

40 A dragon service.
答案是: 一條龍服務

41 Pump water.?
答案是: 抽水
42 I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys.
答案是: 我吹雞打你班友。

43 You jump building.
答案是: 你跳樓啦。

44 You come back home and eat banana
答案是: 你返屋企食蕉啦

45 I give you a hair.
答案是: 我俾條毛你ar!

46 Collect skin
答案是: 收皮

47 Collect father
答案是: 收爹

48 You give me collect father.
答案是: 你同我收爹!

49 Laugh die me.
答案是: 笑死我。

50 You give me stop.
答案是: 你同我企系度。

51 Eight woman
答案是: 八婆

52 Eight woman,you are good!
答案是: 八婆,你好o野!


~~~ 开心 ing ~~~


迷迭香 said...

哈哈...老外肯定看不懂 XD


eight woman vs eight man !!! lolz

一个人...自由翱翔 said...

You have seed, I will give you some colour to see, brothers, together up ~ 依个翻译"势利"到!!!!佩服!佩服!

木子 said...

如果跟老外讲这些的话,我想他们是有听没有懂啦 ... 想到他们那时傻眼的表情就觉得好笑 ^^

hahahaa ... so u can call your ex-boss 'eight woman' she may not know wat r u talking about :p

哈哈,我也觉得他们很 “势利”,势利到我傻眼 ^^

杰胜 said...


daniel said...


oLive said...

what a translation here? haha
first time come here!!!!

木子 said...

杰胜 & firefox,
哈哈, 谢谢捧场 ^^

welcome :)
this is some joke of the translation between some english and cantonese ^^

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